Pork Chops with Rosemary Fig Sauce

Bone in Pork Chops with Rosemary Fig Sauce, Sweet Potato Wedges and Roasted Green Beans

      Get ready to feel like Kermit The Frog, because we are about to go HAM! That's right, it's time for another "Porking". This episode we will be making Bone in Pork Chops with Rosemary Fig Sauce, Sweet Potato Wedges and Roasted Green Beans. This meal will absolutely help you get your 'Piggy into a Blanket", or however you kids are doing it these days. "It's not easy being green" and by that, I mean made of money. That's why while this sounds decadent, it's actually pretty cheap to make. Ingredients are below. Pick them up to cook along with me next week May 30th at 7pm Est @Sliceofrife on Face Book. Also follow on instagram @Sliceofrife for updates and fun photos of delicious things I make.


Bone in Pork Chops (1-2 per person, I don"t know how hungry you are)

Green Beans (again, how many do you want to eat)

Sweet Potatoes (about 1 per person) (unless you want to eat more, am I being redundant)

Fig Preserves

Chicken Stock concentrate

Shallots (1-2)

Balsamic Vinegar



Salt and Pepper

Olive Oil

Episode 6

Latest comments

15.05 | 20:49

Love your show, you’re a hoot! Please feature Melanie and Dawn more often, they’re a great addition. Laura and I enjoy interacting with them at Terra Nostra.

17.10 | 20:50

In the last episode, Jeff blew me away with his cooking skills. Dare I say it...? Best fried chicken I've had in my life.... my. whole. LIFE! Sorry Ma

20.06 | 23:58

Awesome show!! I don’t like cooking but this show makes it fun and easy to follow along for a delicious meal!

27.04 | 13:23

I think you should create a meal membership where you travel to peoples houses and cook for dinner parties...pairing wines or other drinks with your meals.